Olive Cookies (Zeytinli Kurabiye)

I remember when we are younger, my sister and I used to pluck the unripe olives from the trees and like every curious child experiment on them. Much later did I realize that the little green things turned to black in time and became the olives’ that filled our breakfast tables. For cookies, my preference is on anything with a sweet taste. However since this is my dad’s favorite cookie and olives take a large part in our cuisine, I thought I might as well put up the recipe.


2 eggs
1 cup of black olives, sliced
¾ cup oil
½ cup milk
3 ½ cup of flour, sifted
1 tsp red pepper flakes
2 tbsp thyme
1 package baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt


- Put the 2 egg yolks aside. Mix the rest of the ingredients and knead thoroughly until you form a harmonious dough.
- Take walnut-size doughs. First, shape them round and flat, then fold in half rounds. This way the cookies will not be hard, but softer.
- Place the cookie doughs 1 inch apart on a greased tray, and apply the egg yolk over each.
- Bake them in a 355 F preheated oven for 20-25 minutes.

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